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The AIFF-hul module recognizes and validates the Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF) [AIFF]. The AIFF format is itself a profile of the Electronic Arts IFF 85 format [IFF].
The module is invoked by the:
command line option.jhove ... -m AIFF-hul ...
The AIFF-hul module recognizes and validates the following public profiles:
The following criteria must be met by an AIFF object for JHOVE to consider it well-formed:
The following criteria must be met by a AIFF file for JHOVE to consider it valid:
The MIME type is reported as: audio/x-aiff.
In addition to the standard JHOVE representation information, the following AIFF-specific properties are reported:
The AIFF module reports audio technical properties using the draft AES-X098B, Core audio metadata XML definition, currently under development by the Audio Engineering Society (AES) SC-03-06 Working Group on Digital Library and Archive Systems.
AIFF is an interchange format for sampled monaural or multichannel sampled sounds using a variety of sample rates and widths.
Profile requirements include:
AIFF-C is an extended AIFF format that can contain compressed audio data.
Profile requirements include:
Common compression types and names include, but are not limited to:
Type Name Note "NONE" "Not compressed" PCM data "ACE2" "ACE 2-to-1" Apple IIGS ACE (Audio Compression/Expansion) "ACE8" "ACE 8-to-3" "APD4" "4:1 Intel/DVI ADPCM" SoundHack "ALAW" "CCITT G.711 A-law" SGI 8-bit ITU-T G.711 A-law (64 kb/s) "alaw" "ALaw 2:1" Apple 8-bit ITU-T G.711 A-law "DWVW" "Delta With Variable Word Width" "FL32" "Float 32" SoundHack / CSound IEEE 32-bit floating point "fl32" "32-bit floating point" Apple IEEE 32-bit floating point "fl64" "64-bit floating point" "ima4" "IMA 4:1" "MAC3" "MACE 3-to-1" Macintosh Audio Compression/Expansion "MACE6" "MACE 6-to-1" "QDMC" "QDesign Music" QDesign Music codec "Qclp" "QualComm PureVoice" QualComm PureVoice codec "rt24" "RT24 50:1" Voxware codec "rt29" "RT29 50:1" "ULAW" "CCITT G.711 µ-law" SGI 8-bit ITU-T G.711 µ-law (64 kb/s) "ulaw" "µLaw 2:1" Apple 8-bit ITU-T G.711 µ-law
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Copyright 2004-2005 by JSTOR and the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Used by permission.