JPEG-hul Module
1 Introduction
The JPEG-hul module recognizes and validates the JPEG
The module is invoked by the:
jhove ... -m JPEG-hul ...
command line option.
Formally, JPEG refers to a format for compressed images created by the
Joint Photographic Experts Group and codified in ISO/IEC 10918-1
In 1992 C-Cube Microsystems published a specification for an interchange
file format called JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format)
that encapsulates the JPEG data stream
What most people refer to as "JPEG" files are more properly JFIF files.
However, many existing "JPEG" files do in fact contain only the "raw"
JPEG data stream.
2 Coverage
The JPEG-hul module recognizes and validates the following public profiles:
- JPEG (ISO/IEC 10918-1:1994)
- JFIF 1.02 (JPEG File Interchange Format)
- Exif 2.0, 2.1 (JEIDA-49-1998) 2.1, and 2.2 (JEITA CP-3451)
[Exif 2.1,
Exif 2.2,]
- SPIFF (ISO/IEC 10918-3:1997)
- JTIP (ISO/IEC 10918-3:1997)
- JPEG-LS (ISO/IEC 14495)
3 Well-Formedness
The following criteria must be met by a JPEG object for JHOVE to consider it
- The first three bytes of the file are 0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF
- The file consists of one or more correctly formatted segments.
Segment markers 0xC0 through 0xFE are recognized.
- Data streams following RSTn and SOS markers are correctly
JHOVE uses the JPEG-LS algorithm for recognizing the end of a data
stream, looking for a byte of 0xFF followed by a byte in the range
0X80 through 0XFE. The standard JPEG algorithm looks for a byte of
0XFF followed by any byte which is not 0 or 0xFF. Since all
valid markers in existing versions of JPEG are in the range 0X80
through 0XFE, this algorithm works correctly for both JPEG and
4 Validity
The following criteria must be met by a JPEG file for JHOVE to consider it
- The file is well-formed
- The file contains one of the following segments as the first
segment of the file, not counting comments:
- APP0 (0xE0) with identifier 0x4A, 0x46, 0x49, 0x46, 0x00,
indicating a JFIF or JTIP file.
- APP1 (0xE1) with identifier 0x45, 0x78, 0x69, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00,
indicating an Exif file.
- APP8 (0xE8) with identifier 0x53, 0x50, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, 0x00,
indicating a SPIFF file.
- JPG7 (0xF7), also known as SOF55, indicating a JPEG-LS file.
- The file does not contain a D8 segment marker except at the
beginning of the file.
- Any DTT (0xF2) segment is preceded by a DTI (0xF1) segment.
- All tiling types from DTI segments have a value of 0, 1, or 2.
A file which consists of a JPEG data stream, but does not
contain the required segments for a JFIF, SPIFF, Exif,
JTIP, or JPEG-LS file is considered well-formed
but not valid.
5 Representation Information
The MIME type is reported as: image/jpeg
In addition to the standard JHOVE
representation information, the following
JPEG-specific properties are reported:
- Property "JPEGMetadata" of type PROPERTY and arity ARRAY
- Property "CompressionType" of type STRING and arity SCALAR
- Property "Images" of type PROPERTY and arity LIST
- Property "Image" of type PROPERTY and arity LIST
- Property "Tiling" of type PROPERTY and arity ARRAY
- Property "TilingType" of type STRING (if raw output off)
or INTEGER (if raw output on) and arity SCALAR
- Property "VerticalScale" of type INTEGER and arity SCALAR
- Property "HorizontalScale" of type INTEGER and arity SCALAR
- Property "RefGridHeight" of type LONG and arity SCALAR
- Property "RefGridWidth" of type LONG and arity SCALAR
- Property "Tiles" of type PROPERTY and arity LIST
- Property "Tile" of type PROPERTY and arity ARRAY
- Property "VerticalScale" of type LONG and arity SCALAR
- Property "HorizontalScale" of type LONG and arity SCALAR
- Property "VerticalOffset" of type LONG and arity SCALAR
- Property "HorizontalOffset" of type LONG and arity SCALAR
- Property "RestartInterval" of type INTEGER and arity SCALAR
- Property "Scans" of type INTEGER and arity SCALAR
- Property "QuantizationTables" of type PROPERTY and arity LIST
- Property "QuantizationTable" of type PROPERTY and arity ARRAY
- Property "Precision" of type INTEGER (if raw output)
or STRING (if not raw output) and arity SCALAR
- Property "DestinationIdentifier" of type INTEGER and arity SCALAR
- Property "ArithmeticConditioning" of type PROPERTY and arity LIST
- Property "TableClass" of type INTEGER (if raw output)
or STRING (if not raw output) and arity SCALAR
- Property "DestinationIdentifier" of type INTEGER and arity SCALAR
- Property "SelectivelyRefinedScan" of type PROPERTY and arity ARRAY
- Property "VerticalOffset" of type INTEGER and arity SCALAR
- Property "HorizontalOffset" of type INTEGER and arity SCALAR
- Property "VerticalSize" of type INTEGER and arity SCALAR
- Property "HorizontalSize" of type INTEGER and arity SCALAR
- Property "Exif" of type PROPERTY and arity LIST
- Property "IFD" of type PROPERTY and arity ARRAY
- Property "XMP" or type STRING and arity SCALAR
- Property "SelectivelyRefinedScans" of type PROPERTY and arity LIST
- Property "ThumbImage" of type PROPERTY and arity LIST
- Property "NisoImageMetadata" of type NISOIMAGEMETADATA and
arity SCALAR
- Property "Comments" of type STRING and arity LIST
- Property "Extensions" of type STRING and arity LIST
- Property "ApplicationSegments" of type STRING and arity LIST
- Property "ExpansionSegments" of type PROPERTY and arity LIST
- Property "Expansion" of type PROPERTY and arity ARRAY
- Property "Horizontal" of type BOOLEAN and arity SCALAR
- Property "Vertical" of type BOOLEAN and arity SCALAR
Image technical properties are reported in terms of the NISO
data dictionary.
5.1 Profiles
ISO/IEC 10918-1 is a lossy image compression format
- JFIF 1.2
JFIF is the JPEG File Interchange Format
The JFIF profile is indicated by the presence of an APP0 marker segment with
the identifier "JFXX" immediately following the SOI marker.
- Exif
Exif 2.0, 2.1 (JEIDA-49-1998), and 2.2 (JEITA CP-3451) define
camera-specific metadata
[Exif 2.1,
Exif 2.2].
The following tags are mandatory in the primary TIFF IFD:
Tag Name and Number | Value | Note |
ImageWidth | 256 | | If Compression (259) = 1 |
ImageLength | 257 | | If Compression (259) = 1 |
BitsPerSample | 258 | 8,8,8 | If Compression (259) = 1 |
Compression | 259 | 1 |
If primary TIFF IFD and JPEGInterchangeFormat (513) not defined |
1 or 6 | If thumbnail TIFF IFD |
PhotometricInterpretation | 262 | 2 or 6 | If Compression (259) = 1 |
StripOffsets | 273 | | If Compression (259) = 1 |
SamplesPerPixel | 277 | 3 | If Compression (259) = 1 |
RowsPerStrip | 278 | | If Compression (259) = 1 |
StripByteCounts | 279 | | If Compression (259) = 1 |
XResolution | 282 | |
YResolution | 283 | |
ResolutionUnit | 296 | 2 or 3 |
ExifIFD | 34665 | | If primary TIFF IFD |
The primary TIFF IFD is the first IFD in the file, whose offset is defined
in the TIFF header.
The optional thumbnail TIFF IFD is a subsequent IFD whose offset is defined
following the primary TIFF IFD.
The following tags are mandatory in the Exif IFD:
Tag Name and Number | Value |
ExifVersion | 36864 | "0220" (Version 2.2) "0210" (Version 2.1) "0200" (Version 2.0) |
FlashpixVersion | 40960 | "0100" |
ColorSpace | 40961 | 1 or 65535 |
SPIFF (ISO/IEC 10918-3) is the Still Picture Interchange File Format
JTIP (ISO/IEC 10918-3) is the JPEG Tiled Image Pyramid format
JPEG-LS (ISO/IEC 14495) is a standard for lossless and near-lossless
compression of images [JPEG-LS].
6 Additional Module Properties
- Nominal file extension: .jpg
- Nominal file extension: .jls (for JPEG-LS)
- Nominal file extension: .spf (for SPIFF)
Copyright 2004-2005 by JSTOR and the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Used by permission.
Last updated 2005-05-26