JHOVE Installation Guide for Windows XP
[Contributed 2006-08-22 by Michael Stuart, UCSD]

1 Download and install a J2SE 6 Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

  1. The Sun J2SE 6 SDK (including a JRE and all code packages necessary for re-compilation) is available here.

  2. Exectute the downloaded file, installing the SDK in the folder

    C:\Program Files\Java

2 Download and install JHOVE

  1. JHOVE is available here.

  2. The current downloadable ZIP file is


  3. Extract the ZIP file to a new folder named

    C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\jhove
    where USERNAME is the user name of your Windows XP account on the installation machine. Note the name of the installation directory. In this example, we use C:\Program Files\java\/jre1.6.0_10.

    Edit the JHOVE configuration file

    C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\jhove\conf\jhove.conf

    1. Change the value of the <jhoveHome> tag so that it reads as follows:

      <jhoveHome>"C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\jhove"</jhoveHome>
      Make sure to include the quotation marks at the beginning and end of the tag value.

    2. Change the value of the <tempDirectory> tag so that it reads as follows:


    where USERNAME is the user name of your Windows XP account on the installation machine.

  4. Edit the JHOVE batch file

    C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\jhove\jhove.bat
    and change the following parameters to these values (making sure to include the quotation marks, and adjusting JAVA_HOME to match your downloaded JRE):
    JHOVE_HOME="C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\jhove"
    JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\java\/jre1.6.0_10"
    where USERNAME is the user name of your Windows XP account on the installation machine.

3 Using the JHOVE GUI Interface

  1. There are two ways to launch the JHOVE GUI interface:

    1. From a DOS command line navigate to the JHOVE folder

      C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\jhove
      and issue the following command:
      java –jar bin/JhoveView.jar
      where USERNAME is the user name of your Windows XP account on the installation machine.

    2. Double-click the “My computer” icon on the desktop, then type the folder name

      C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\jhove\bin
      in the Address box, then double-Click on JhoveView.jar icon to launch JHOVE.

Please refer to the documentation for further information on using JHOVE.

Copyright 2003-2009 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Used by permission.
Last updated 2009-06-06